HǣlthTech Overview

HǣlthTech is an advanced software company specialising in highly cost effective, flexible, web and mobile based health insurance and risk management systems for individual, insured group and self insured schemes.

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What We Do

HǣlthTech is designed to integrate core processes including claims, policy administration, premium billing and receipting, payments and reporting into a single collaborative system to provide a complete solution.

Health Insurance and Risk Management Systems
Mobile Solutions
Business Intelligence Solutions
Deep Learning Solutions
Claim Processing Solutions
Data Integration
Technology Solutions

Best Features

Employee Benefits

HǣlthTech's Omni was designed by industry professionals with decades of experience providing tailored policies and services to individuals and organizations.

Risk Management

HǣlthTech is remodeling the managed health insurance risk sector to take advantage of new technology such as Deep Learning and mobile applications.

Streamlined Processes

HǣlthTech platform has visual workflows to ensure activities are paperless and done electronically, paving the way to a more streamlined and consistent adjudication process.

Efficient Management

HǣlthTech RAD environment provides efficient management of information. All stakeholders are given access to correct and timely information as insurers, doctors and hospitals.

Case Management

Case management solutions treat a case as the primary aspect of work to be managed to a successful outcome; workflow is secondary. Cases do not progress serially nor predictably. There are multiple dependent workflows and associated object types, such as data, content, people, machines and policies. These interdependent relationships are our key architectural difference.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning derives knowledge by merging computational logic with an understanding of context. And, most uniquely, our technology learns, and grows smarter over time. We believe technology is a means to an end. We discovered that some ends required a new kinds of technology and thinking. We use most advanced deep learning models available to ensure we have world the next generation can live in.

How It Works